Wednesday 10 April 2013

All Film Is A Construction

1) -Hollywood film makers may seek out sources such as novels or stories to turn into films. If the film maker wants to turn a novel into a film, he/she must offer a substantial amount of money to the author so they a) are convinced to turn their written work into a film, and b) will not take offers from any other film makers.

2) -Once the rights have been confirmed for the film maker to turn the source into a movie, they must hire a screenwriter to convert the novel into a script. Since screenwriters are often a part of a union, they already have a set wage that they must be paid. This wage can not be negotiated and if one screenwriter fails to write the script in a way that satisfies the film maker, the film maker will need to hire another one. The film maker can also write the script him/herself, if they choose to do so.

3) -After the script is written, a director, cinematographer, casting director, assisting producers, editor, musical directors and assistants to the above professionals must be hired. The film maker must provide salaries for all of these people.

4) -Once the casting director is hired, they will either set up auditions for actors to try out for certain parts in the film, or they will call an actor or actresses' agent that they think would be suitable for the part. Either way, auditions must take place and are very expensive to hold.

5) -If union crew members and really popular/talented actors or actresses are hired, they will account for a large portion of the film's expenses.

6) -Once the actors and actresses are chosen the director has the choice of filming in a studio or on location. If they choose to film on location, travel expenses will need to be paid for as well as stopping the flow of traffic or shutting down any local shops in order to film in certain areas. If they choose to film in a studio, craftsmen will need to be hired to create a believable set. Both choices will be costly.

7) -As the film crew starts the filming of the movie, many things such as food, stunts assistants, insurance policies, extras, etc. will all need to be paid for.

8) -Once the filming is done, the actual movie is far from being finished. The editor, special affects professionals, musical directors, and sound professionals all still need to be paid and devote their time to the completion of the film. These expenses could include getting the rights to songs for a soundtrack or bringing the actors back on set to re-record voices for certain clips.

9) -Now that the film has been completely finished, the film makers need to schedule press conferences with the actors/actresses, produce movie posters and trailers, and many other things in order to promote their film.

10) -If the film is successful, the film maker will be able to completely pay off the production tab as well as earning a considerable amount of money for themselves. Less successful films may never make enough to pay off the production tab. 

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