Monday 27 May 2013

Value and Ideological Control


OFRB Rating:
The OFRB rating says adult accompaniment, which in today's rating system would mean 14A.

Agree or Disagree?
I agree with the OFRB rating of The Shawshank Redemption. 

The Shawshank Redmeption uses coarse language as well as some racial or sexist slurs. However, this use of language is not used often enough to be more than a 14A rating.

The use of violence in the film is in fact evident, however it is not shown in a graphic context. Violence is implied when prisoners are sent to have 'extra discipline' but it is never shown in a way that portrays blood letting or tissue damage.

Nudity is never shown.

Sexual Activity:
Sexual activity is shown very briefly at the very beginning of the film but is never shown after that.

No gory/horrific moments.

Psychological Impact:
There are many scenes in the film that would have a huge psychological impact on younger or even older audiences. Since the film is about a prison and what actually occurs inside of it, it is very troubling and sometimes hard to watch depending on how it affects you. Substances are referenced often, and many insane/ mentally troubled people are shown. Suicides and deaths are also shown in this film.

Overall, the rating of 14A for the film The Shawshank Redemption is appropriate. Although the film does not show much violence, and does not show any horror, nudity or sexual activity, the film needs a 14A rating because of its mature theme. Many scenes from this film use derogatory language that could definitely be offensive and it also has many scenes that could have a psychological impact on many viewers.  

Wednesday 15 May 2013

How We Negotiate the Meaning of Music in Film

Gustav Holst wrote a symphony based on what he believes would be the feeling of each planet of our known solar system. The song he wrote for Jupiter brings the feeling of a triumphant adventure and that exceptional things must be lurking along the horizon. Jupiter starts off with a violin score that is fast paced and has an exciting sound to it. It then continues on to a variety of french horns playing a quick and miraculous melody. When listening to the beginning of this song, I pictured a ship coming into view on a great expansion of the sea sailing towards land at last. This part of the song would be great for a movie like Pirates of the Carribean. As the song continues it starts to slow down and carry more of a deep feeling and gives the impression that something might be going wrong, or something intense is approaching. This part of the song would be excellent for a film like Indiana Jones, because it has that sense of intense adventure. The song finishes off with more flutes and woodwind instruments as opposed to just the triumphant brass. These new instruments bring a feeling of wonder and have almost a fantasy feel. As a listener, I thought this part of the song would be perfect for a film like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, just for when the children are first entering the factory. Overall Gustav Holst's Jupiter gave the feeling of adventure whether it was full of wonder, intensity or triumph.